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We Help All People In Need Around The World. So, Donate Us For the Welfare of Mankind

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  • "When you give to others, you get way more back than you ever imagined. It brings real happiness to the fate of distressed people as well as it will bring real satisfaction to your mind that at least you have done something for the welfare of mankind. I am really happy that my money is being by the right people of Metro City Non-profit organization. "

  • "I have donated my hard-earned money to Metro City Non-profit organization for the hungry children in India. They are very supportive and crystal clear in their works. They are very well documented for their clarification of their sponsor's money. I must recommend them for your donation without any hesitation."


Get Involved By Making Hygiene Kits

Even though the world is keeping their social distance, there are still plenty of opportunities to be kind that keep everyone safe. One way you can help others right now is by building hygiene kits. It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3.

1.  Download the hygiene kit instructions.
2.  Assemble your kit.
3.  Send your kit to Convoy of Hope.

With the help of volunteers all over the country, we send tens of thousands of these kits to families in need every year. They help moms, dads, and kids get back on their feet in situations that can feel overwhelming, regardless of whether it’s because of a natural disaster or a global pandemic.

Build your kit today and be a part of the kindness revolution.

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