Our Services

Welcome to Metro City NGO Charity Organization Helping Poor Community.

We envision a future where no child lives without the love and security of a forever family. Also, we want a world where each human’s basic needs will be fulfilled and our world will be a better place than ever.

Join a famous Journey

We’re on a mission to solve the basic human needs and reinvent charity for a new generation. Join with us by giving donation.


There will be a day–in our lifetime–when we get to celebrate every person on the planet having access to basic needs . We want to celebrate that day with you.

1 in 10 people lack access to their basic needs. We’re on a mission to change that. Here’s how.

100% Goes To The Field

A group of donors cover our operating costs so 100% of your money can fund water projects.

We Prove Every Project

We track every dollar you raise, and show the projects you helped fund with photos and GPS.

Sustainable Projects

We partner with inspiring organizations who are providing long-lasting water and sanitation services.

Work With Real People

We believe in hard work as a non-profit organization. You will always find us as a trust worthy partner for the wellfare of mankind.

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